"Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin"
Dear Friends,
The spirit of Hari Raya is almost over. Since I live in Indonesia, the most cherish spirit of Hari Raya happens at the 1st week. Now people had get back to their routine and office life.
Hari Raya Idul Fitri is a very special moment for all Moslem, at Raya Ied' we gather with our family. We purify our heart by asking forgiveness to each other and to all the people we know after 1 year full of good and bad moments, sending hampers or other stuff to family, friends and neighbors. Visiting family and friends, especially the one that we can't visited often
That's why, welcoming Hari Raya is always special for me, but of course Ramadhan is the most special month of all.
Dear Friends,
The spirit of Hari Raya is almost over. Since I live in Indonesia, the most cherish spirit of Hari Raya happens at the 1st week. Now people had get back to their routine and office life.
Hari Raya Idul Fitri is a very special moment for all Moslem, at Raya Ied' we gather with our family. We purify our heart by asking forgiveness to each other and to all the people we know after 1 year full of good and bad moments, sending hampers or other stuff to family, friends and neighbors. Visiting family and friends, especially the one that we can't visited often
That's why, welcoming Hari Raya is always special for me, but of course Ramadhan is the most special month of all.