"Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin"

Dear Friends,
The spirit of Hari Raya is almost over. Since I live in Indonesia, the most cherish spirit of Hari Raya happens at the 1st week. Now people had get back to their routine and office life.
Hari Raya Idul Fitri is a very special moment for all Moslem, at Raya Ied' we gather with our family. We purify our heart by asking forgiveness to each other and to all the people we know after 1 year full of good and bad moments, sending hampers or other stuff to family, friends and neighbors. Visiting family and friends, especially the one that we can't visited often
That's why, welcoming Hari Raya is always special for me, but of course Ramadhan is the most special month of all.
We used to cooked ketupat and rendang/opor ayam {chicken curry}, cookies {I prefer buy those, since I do not have the tools to made it}, new dress and baju koko { Indonesian Moslem Shirt for man, usually man wear it for praying or going to majilis or the mosque}, etc.
Since we lived at the different province that took about 2-3 hours{more when traffic } with our parents.
And after we got marriage and move out to our own place, every Hari Raya Ied' is a busy day. I bet many of you, having the same things rights :-) #lol
I remember used to awake for the whole night at the last day of fasting, just to make sure my ketupat is well cooked hahaha.
And for new dress for Hari Raya Ied', for this couple of years I never bought it again. Yes, I never want to buy a new dress. I made it for my self, Yes I made one this year. The one that you seen in the picture.
Why? Any particular reason why I'm doing that??
Yess, I have realized that nowadays we are... our generation and those young generation bellow me. Is the special generation, we are getting usual with internet, social media. The generation that have the bigger opportunity to have a better education, better health treatment, etc. And also a generation who could have more easy access in everythings.
Such as easy to access information, access net and also access for shopping online :-).
Beside that the urban life right now is developed in many public place such cafe, mall, library, city hall, local garden , internet and etc. We do spend our weekend at the mall, just window shopping or doing something else.
When we are opening SocMed account, and see the advertising tags/hints from the fashion websites its like having a battle with our self. Of course buying our basic needs for life is something that we cannot deny. But sometimes, what we need is less with what we have spend :-).
We couldn't diminish the whole budget for all baskets, but we could reduce the necessity for a few basket.
Like Since I have my own accessory line, I wear my own accessory to reduce the budget for accessory. I prefer cooking every day meal instead of buying, because I loved to cooked and trying new recipe. Since I could make a basic patterns, I prefer making my own dress, so I'll appreciate those hard work. I can't make a plate or tea cup, of course I will buy one if the old cup got broken. I really wish could made a shoes, but too bad I cannot so... you know the next word right? :-) #lol.
Nowadays internet has been a biggest component to many things. Such as for tutorial and DIY. There's so many DIY for example about making our own dress/outfit. So there's so many reason for me to be more creative hahaha
I make this dress using 4m x 115cm cotton fabrics. Since the the dress has wide skirt. My size is petite or s size. So if you want to make this kind of dress, and your size is bigger then me, you might need 5-6 M x 115 cm fabrics.
I loved to make a sew patterns, but I'm suck in sewing. This day, I only sew my own outfit. for all my commercial product, I hire a sewer.
I like to share DIY about making patterns, but I'm confused what apps/computer programme that I need to use to make sew pattern in computer. Please let me know, If you knows about the apps/computer programme?
Lets be a creative society, for me making something is thrifty. When I make something, I could save for something else. My list in making things are long, my desire to learn about new things are enormous. Dear ALLAH SWT, please grant me a good health and positive spirit for my whole life. In sha ALLAH

Dear Friends,
The spirit of Hari Raya is almost over. Since I live in Indonesia, the most cherish spirit of Hari Raya happens at the 1st week. Now people had get back to their routine and office life.
Hari Raya Idul Fitri is a very special moment for all Moslem, at Raya Ied' we gather with our family. We purify our heart by asking forgiveness to each other and to all the people we know after 1 year full of good and bad moments, sending hampers or other stuff to family, friends and neighbors. Visiting family and friends, especially the one that we can't visited often
That's why, welcoming Hari Raya is always special for me, but of course Ramadhan is the most special month of all.
We used to cooked ketupat and rendang/opor ayam {chicken curry}, cookies {I prefer buy those, since I do not have the tools to made it}, new dress and baju koko { Indonesian Moslem Shirt for man, usually man wear it for praying or going to majilis or the mosque}, etc.
Since we lived at the different province that took about 2-3 hours{more when traffic } with our parents.
And after we got marriage and move out to our own place, every Hari Raya Ied' is a busy day. I bet many of you, having the same things rights :-) #lol
I remember used to awake for the whole night at the last day of fasting, just to make sure my ketupat is well cooked hahaha.
And for new dress for Hari Raya Ied', for this couple of years I never bought it again. Yes, I never want to buy a new dress. I made it for my self, Yes I made one this year. The one that you seen in the picture.
Why? Any particular reason why I'm doing that??
Yess, I have realized that nowadays we are... our generation and those young generation bellow me. Is the special generation, we are getting usual with internet, social media. The generation that have the bigger opportunity to have a better education, better health treatment, etc. And also a generation who could have more easy access in everythings.
Such as easy to access information, access net and also access for shopping online :-).
Beside that the urban life right now is developed in many public place such cafe, mall, library, city hall, local garden , internet and etc. We do spend our weekend at the mall, just window shopping or doing something else.
When we are opening SocMed account, and see the advertising tags/hints from the fashion websites its like having a battle with our self. Of course buying our basic needs for life is something that we cannot deny. But sometimes, what we need is less with what we have spend :-).
We couldn't diminish the whole budget for all baskets, but we could reduce the necessity for a few basket.
Like Since I have my own accessory line, I wear my own accessory to reduce the budget for accessory. I prefer cooking every day meal instead of buying, because I loved to cooked and trying new recipe. Since I could make a basic patterns, I prefer making my own dress, so I'll appreciate those hard work. I can't make a plate or tea cup, of course I will buy one if the old cup got broken. I really wish could made a shoes, but too bad I cannot so... you know the next word right? :-) #lol.
Nowadays internet has been a biggest component to many things. Such as for tutorial and DIY. There's so many DIY for example about making our own dress/outfit. So there's so many reason for me to be more creative hahaha
I make this dress using 4m x 115cm cotton fabrics. Since the the dress has wide skirt. My size is petite or s size. So if you want to make this kind of dress, and your size is bigger then me, you might need 5-6 M x 115 cm fabrics.
I loved to make a sew patterns, but I'm suck in sewing. This day, I only sew my own outfit. for all my commercial product, I hire a sewer.
I like to share DIY about making patterns, but I'm confused what apps/computer programme that I need to use to make sew pattern in computer. Please let me know, If you knows about the apps/computer programme?
Lets be a creative society, for me making something is thrifty. When I make something, I could save for something else. My list in making things are long, my desire to learn about new things are enormous. Dear ALLAH SWT, please grant me a good health and positive spirit for my whole life. In sha ALLAH
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